2016 Aeration Schedule
The Course & Grounds Staff will be Deep Tine Aerating the putting surfaces on the evening of Sunday May 8th and the morning of
May 9th. Following aeration greens will be rolled and sand topdressed to smooth the surface and expedite recovery. Disruption to play is minimal for this type of aeration and a full recovery is expected within 4-7 days depending on weather conditions.
Late last fall and early this spring we have seen very positive results from the deep tine aerating completed last season. Staff working closely on greens have been reporting and taking pictures of roots coming out of the bott
om of our hole changing equipment. This is a great indication that the deep tine is working well and roots are finding there way more than 7 inches down into the rootzone. Having roots deep into the rootzone will provide turfgrass additional moisture and nutritional resources during stressful periods during the golf season.
Dates have been booked to deep tine aerate the greens 3 times in 2016.
May 9th, 2016
August 29th, 2016
October 17th, 2016
Deep tine aerification improves compaction in the rootzone by breaking through the surface below what is reachable with a traditional aerifier. Tines can penetrate up to a depth of 10". In addition to the action of the tines piercing deep into the greens, a deep tine aerator will also create a "kick" action where the soil is fractured below the surface. The fracturing creates additional fissures below the surface. This creates an environment in the rootzone that is rich in oxygen and creates an easy path for additional root growth. Drainage properties can also be improved under some soil conditions. Deep tine areation is an excellent practice post construction and can assist in overcoming compaction problems left behind by large construction equipment. plans have also be made to deep tine areate 9 tee, 10 tee, 13 tee, and the drainage trench on the right side of 18 fairway.